桐朋学園大学音楽学部演奏学科卒、同大学アンサンブルディプロマコース修了。第9回日本室内楽コンクール第2位。2001年、デュオ“ROSCO”を甲斐史子(Vn)と結成、第5回現代音楽演奏コンクール競楽V優勝、第12回朝日現代音楽賞受賞、2003年度青山バロックザール賞受賞、2013年よりコンサートシリーズROSCO’s Atelierを開始。これまでに北京国家交響楽団との共演、韓国大邸国際音楽祭等多数出演の他、桐朋学園大学、国立音楽大学、北京中央音楽院、上海音楽学院でのレクチャーコンサート等幅広く活動。2010年、世界の作曲家を紹介する現代音楽アンサンブル“mmm…”結成、東日本大震災義援音楽配信プロジェクト・ヒバリを通して世界から100人の現代音楽作品を録音、配信。2012年、知られざる歌や子供のための歌を紹介する“KOHAKU”、同年、室内楽'70の全委嘱作品を再演する“リレーション'70” を結成。世界初演、日本初演数は200曲を超える。ジパングレーベルより2枚のアルバム、楽譜集をリリース。
Kaori Ohsuga (piano)

Kaori Ohsuga studied at Toho Gaken School of Music under Keiko Mikami, Kazuoki Fujii and Goldberg Miyoko Yamane. She won the Second Prize of the 9th Competition of Japan Chamber Music. In 2001, she made her contemporary music debut at Tokyo Opera City with the Japanese premiere of “Vortex Temporum” composed by Gerard Grisey.
Then Kaori Ohsuga formed the piano-violin duo Rosco. In 2002, she won the First Prize at the "Kyogaku V" of the 5th Contemporary Music Performance Competition founded by Japan Society for Contemporary Music and received the 12th Asahi Contemporary Music Award at the same time. In 2003, she received the Aoyama Baroquesaar Award of the Music Performance Competition founded by Aoyama Music Foundation. She started the new concert series "ROSCO's Atelier" from 2013.
In 2010, Koari Ohsuga formed the contemporary music ensemble “mmm... ” and delivered 100 contemporary works from around the world through the aid project “hibari” for north-eastern Japan. In 2012, she formed "KOHAKU" to introduce unknown songs and songs for children and "the relation ‘70" to presented all commission works in chamber music '70 again.
Koari Ohsuga has premiered more than 200 contemporary works composed by Toshi Ichiyanagi, Jo Kondo, Masakazu Natsuda, Mahasiro Miwa and others. Rosco have performed at the National Grand Theatre, the Central Conservatory of Music and Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Rosco released two albums.
Member of Association FRANCO-JAPONAISE de la Musique Contemporaine
Lecturer of Toho Gakuen music college of drama and music, Tokyo Seitoku college, and Yaei highschool music department