第1回横浜国際音楽コンクール弦楽器一般部門第1位(2位なし)。同コンクールより奨学金を得、パリ・エコールノルマル音楽院へ留学。 第6級教育課程、研修課程及び室内楽のディプロムを取得。同音楽院にて、ドゥヴィ・エルリ、原田幸一郎の各氏に師事し、マスタークラスや音楽院内での演奏会に多数出演。
Shungo Mise (violin)

Shungo Mise, violinist, graduated from Tokyo College of Music and then studied at Toho Gakuen Graduate School of Music, Tokyo. He premiered L’éclat d’une étoile pour Violon seul by Kazuo Mise at his Toho Gakuen commencement recital.
In 2007 he won the first prize in the professional strings category at the 1st Yokohama International Music Competition and, with a scholarship awarded by the competition, went on to study at L’Ecole Normale de Musique de Paris. He received a diploma from the 6ème division and chamber music, and appeared on stage in Paris.
From 2009, he has performed at 1st Chamber OTO in Tokyo Opera City and various recitals. He has also participated Takefu International Music Festival, Cagliari International Music Academy, and Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie, among other activities.
At present, he works actively as a violin soloist and a member of a chamber music ensemble.
He studied violin performance with Isako Shinozaki, Sakiko Shimo, Sachika Mizuno, Kiyoshi Okayama and Hamao Fujiwara, and chamber music with Yoko Kubo, Satoshi Sndoh, Eisuke Tuchida, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, Nobuyoshi Iinuma, Shuku Iwasaki and Koh Iwasaki.