
ゼミソン・ダリル(1980-)はカナダ出身の作曲家、インプロヴィザー、音楽学者。東京藝術大学の近藤譲氏、ヨーク大学のニコラ・レファニュ氏の下で研鑽を積んだ。代表作に尺八協奏曲《鎖(とざ)されし闇》、弦楽四重奏曲《warm stones》、ピアノ曲《besos y volcanes》、筝歌《古代女神に扮した私》がある。彼の作品はこれまで日本の井上郷子や菊地奈緒子やカナダのボッジーニ弦楽四重奏団やフランスのロレーヌ国立交響楽団、また英国のアルノルト・シェーンベルク室内管弦楽団、同じく英国のヨーク大学室内管弦楽団等によって演奏されている。
Daryl Jamieson (composer)
Daryl Jamieson was born in 1980 in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He began his formal musical training at Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario with Glenn Buhr and Linda Caitlin Smith, before moving to the UK to study with Diana Burrell at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama and then with Nicola LeFanu at the University of York. He also spent a research year in Tokyo, studying composition and Japanese music under Jo Kondo as a Japanese Government Scholar.
Major compositions of his include a trio for voice, biwa, and sho called Spectral (for Kazuo Ohno), two large chamber works (crystal grapeshot bouquet and con tu sueño en mi sueño), a shakuhachi concerto called locked darkness, a solo organ score for Jean Genet’s silent film un chant d’amour, two string quartets (warm stones and monkish fires) and many songs, including a piece for koto and voice (Myself in the Disguise of an Ancient Goddess). His music has been performed by the Quatuor Bozzini, Musiques Nouvelles, the Orchestre National de Lorraine, Satoko Inoue, Junko Ueda, Naoko Kikuchi, the Arnold Schönberg Chamber Orchestra, and the University of York Chamber Orchestra.
He is a the co-founder and composer-in-residence of mmm…, a Tokyo-based trio dedicated to introducing the music of young composers from around the world to Japanese audiences, as well as a founding member of the Tokyo-based international composers collective Music Without Borders, and a member of the Hogaku 2010 composers group dedicated to writing new music for traditional Japanese instruments.
CF1 : Fugue in b (2010) for piano solo
CF2 : Okutama (2011) for flute, violin, piano trio
CF3 : tú caerás conmigo (2011) for violin solo
Hibari : unanswered renga (2011) for flute solo
CF4 : Three Shokushi Seasons (2012) for flute and violin duo
CF5 : the dissonances みだれ (2013) for flute, violin, piano trio
CF6 : late capitalist fever dream (gaude) 後期資本主義の譫妄(ガウデ) (2014) for piano solo